2019 Awards
Andy Thompson awarded as an Honorary Member
Andy Thompson has been a regular participant at Charles F. Frank #760 over the past few years and was awarded an Honorary Member of our Lodge at the December Stated Meeting.
Nolan Keck awarded the Ritualist Award on December 12th
The Ritualist Program is open to all Master Masons who seek to improve their participation, display their love of the Craft and better enable themselves to represent their Lodge in an honorable way. This program challenges the Master Mason to select and perform lectures from ritual and other parts that help the Craft within their work. The level of accomplishment is awarded with Pins acknowledging the Ritualist, Senior Ritualist and Master Ritualist levels of achievement. Nolan Keck achieved the Ritualist level of the Program from his participation throughout 2018 and 2019.
Kevin L. Waldroup awarded the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award Oct 10th!
Kevin Waldroup: "The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is one of what is known as a Boy Scouts of America approved “Community Organization Award” used by a community organization to honor its volunteers for Scouting service. The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award consists of a certificate endorsed by the recipient’s Grand Master, a Masonic neck medallion consisting of a silver metallic medal of the square and compass resting upon a sunburst and supported by a blue and silver ribbon, and a Boy Scouts of America-approved knot patch to be worn with a Scout uniform consisting of a gold colored square knot supported by a purple background with a gold border.
Freemasonry’s relationship with the Boy Scouts of America started with a Freemason named Daniel Carter Beard. Bro. Beard was made a Mason in Mariner’s Lodge No. 67, New York City, NY, and later affiliated with Cornucopia Lodge 563, Flushing, NY. In the late 1800’s he founded a male youth program called the “Society of the Sons of Daniel Boone.” By 1905, the program had become “The Boy Pioneers.” The man who would create the first “Boy Scouts,” and be known as its founder, was Lord Robert Baden-Powell of Great Britain. Lord Baden-Powell, who was not a Mason, read of Beard’s program and, based on his own military experience, developed what is known as the “Boy Scouts.” In 1910, the Boy Scout program came to America when Bro. Beard merged his organization into the “Boy Scouts of America” and became its first National Commissioner.
Bro. Beard, known affectionately as “Uncle Dan” by millions of Scouts, worked tirelessly to create the Scouting Program that we know today. He developed the elements of the Scout badge and the Scout uniform, and wrote and illustrated various early publications of the Boy Scouts of America. Bro. Beard exemplified the Masonic ideals throughout the Scouting program.
This is the second organization to have recognized me with their version of the BSA Community Organization Award. The other was the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) with the Robert. E. Burt Boy Scout Volunteer Award. For more information on all the Community Organization Awards visit https://www.scouting.org/…/aw…/community-organization-award/"
Congratulations to the Grand Lodge Scholarship Winners!
Ty Allen, Sarah Hoover, and Samuel Shipe have received a $1,300 Masonic scholarship from the Scholarship Board of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, Free and Accepted Masons.
The Grand Lodge of Indiana Scholarship Board distributes earnings from an endowment, making it one of the largest fraternal scholarship funds in the country. In the years of its operation, over 6 million dollars in scholarships have helped over 7,000 Hoosier students realize their educational goals. Children and stepchildren of Master Masons, and Master Masons themselves, who demonstrate academic merit, financial need, and community participation, may apply for scholarships if they are attending an Indiana College or university. Ty, Sarah, and Samuel’s scholarships were three of the 411 selected from over 435 applicants.
Ty was sponsored on his own merit as Master Mason, and is a member of Charles F. Frank Lodge #760, F&A.M. Ty plans to apply the Masonic scholarship toward his 3rd year at Hanover College.
Sarah was sponsored by her father, Larry Hoover, who is a member of Charles F. Frank Lodge #760, F&A.M. Sarah plans to apply the Masonic scholarship toward her 1st year at Indiana University East.
Samuel was sponsored by his father, Mike Shipe who is a member of Charles F. Frank Lodge #760, F&A.M. Samuel plans to apply the Masonic scholarship toward his 2nd year at Ball State University.
Charles F. Frank Masonic Lodge is proud to sponsor these three students and wishes them success in their scholarly endeavors.
Pictured above (left to right) is Unchana Thamasak, Worshipful Master Mitch Allen, Senior Warden Larry Hoover, Sarah Hoover, Justin Buckley, Tina Shipe, Mike Shipe.
Nolan Keck achieved the Master Mason Rookie Award!
Pictured above: Nolan Keck and Worshipful Master Mitch Allen.